We have just released another FREE upgrade for our customers! If you have already purchased version 1.0 of the Ultimate Neons plugin, simply update to the new version through the FxFactory app. Check out the demo video to see the new features we have prepared for you...
We have added several new graphics and categories, along with significant improvements to the editing workflow and a reduction in the rendering time of more “heavy” elements. This plugin is ideal for all skill levels in video editing with Final Cut Pro. Save hours of your day and achieve realistic neon effects on texts, icons, logos, and much more. 🚀
*A few graphics from the package.
For more details, visit the product’s main page: Ultimate Neons 2.0 ↗
Amazing plugins for FCP: CenturyCreatives.com ↗
If you need help, contact us: support@centurycreatives.com ✉️
Igor Fernandes